Saturday, February 2, 2013

Know about this year (2013)

Filled under:

Alphabetic order type :

Letters :

  • R,A,T,U,E,M,K - People starting their name with this letters are said that this is year is going to be lucky to them. They get more and more good news. Students get expected marks and employees here a great news .

  • B,C,I,H,J,L        -people starting their name with this letters are said that this year is going to be unlucky and face many problems , like : Education , family , Jobs , health etc ;

  • P,G,N,O,D,F     - People starting their  name with this letter are said that this year is not even lucky and bad luck. This year is going to be normal .

  • Q,S,V,W,X,Z,Y-  People starting their name with this letters are said that they are going to get bad or Good name. they may face great failures or Great successes. 

From : 
 Rathnavath ravinaik.


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