Thursday, February 21, 2013

Knowledge calculation

Knowledge calculation is nothing but Your grasping power here it is easy to calculate your Grasping Power

Grasping Power means that depend how much quick you can understand , nothing but maturity .

Now check the following................

1.I sleep more than 6 hours .
2.I don't exercise
3.I don't sleep more than 6 hours
4.I study mostly at night.
5.I study mostly at Far noon ( Early Morning )
6.I Like to play Video Games
7. I like to play Indoor Games
8.I like to be Simple.
9.I Like to be more stylish
10.I Like to watch News Channels ( NDTV etc;
11. I like to watch Cartoons and History channels ( geographic , History 
12. I like to watch Music Channels
13. I like to read Books and Novels
14.I like to do Puzzles 
15.I like to do hard work
16.I like to listen during teaching
17.I don't like to listen during teaching
18.I give respect to myself only
19. I believe in God
20. I like to be mischievous at home.

Tick any 6 above the give sentences
3,4,5,7,8,10,13,15,18 carries 10 points each
14,11,16,19 carries 20 points  each
20,9,6,1,2 carries 5 points 
17,12 carries 2 points each

Now check how many points you get example if you get 10+5+20+2+20+5= 62 % is your Grasping power



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