Saturday, May 4, 2013

Why is the Acropolis of Athens a symbol of Ancient Greece ?

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Athens was the largest city in Ancient Greece. It was a beautiful and busy city, and the most important site within it was the Acropolis. The word Acropolis means' high city', and fortress protecting the royal palaces and temples that lay within it.

During the Classical period of the 5th century BC in Athens, the Greek general and statesman  Pericles rebuilt the Acropolis. The Propylaea or gateway, and the Parthenon were completed during his lifetime, but work on the Temple of Athena Nike and the Erechtheum was not begun until after his death.

The Parthenon was completed in 4388 BC as a temple dedicated to Athena, the patron goddess of Athens. Each piece of the Parthenon is unique and fits together like the world's biggest and heaviest jigsaw puzzle. Lines that look straight are actually not. The Parthenon is the most perfect, and the most imitated building in the World. In fact, the Acropolis and the building within it are all without doubt, a tribute to the greatness of the civilization of Ancient Greece.


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