Saturday, December 21, 2013

Why aren't spiders caught in their own webs?

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why aren't spiders caught in their own webs

Spiders spin their webs in a circular pattern that is spotted with sticky glue. When an insect brushes against these drops- each thread can carry several dozen per millimeter- it gets stuck, and the spider rushes over to inject it with venom, or cocoon it in silk. The question, of course, is how does the spider escape its own glue traps? The answer lies in the fact that the web is the spider's home. and it knows its way around the glue traps. There are some threads in the web that have no glue on them, and the spider is careful to move only on these threads. It is also believed that spiders use an oily coating on their legs to protect themselves from getting stuck in their own webs!


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