Check weather you have the following .(1)
- They dont sit in a chair but on the edge of it .
- They Preen their big toe on the floor.
- They keep turning the ring finger .
- They encircle their fingers with hair.
- Even though they have no itching sensation they scratch their head.
- They don't stand or sit erect
- They bite their nails
- They suck their fingers , even though they are adults
- Again and again they clear their throat.
- They don't sit in the first row in meetings.
- They chew the chain in the neck
- They press their low lips under teeth
- They bite pencils and pens .
Check weather you have the following .(2)
- They constant move their legs
- They beat the table with fingers as if they were playing instruments
- They pretend to be listening to what is being spoken buy yawn
- They keep doing their work even if others speaking them.
- When they get bore they look at their watches in front of all .
- They touch the person thy speak
- They look serious when somebody questions them
- They sit in front of meetings
- They get up suddenly and move out.
- They use others things without permission
- They sit or stand erect.
If you have 5 from 1 and 5 from 2 you are a Normal Person .
FROM R. Ravinaik
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