Monday, December 31, 2012

Funny Maths make amazing

Filled under:

Make your friend Amazing by showing this Magic. it will be difficult to learn but try and check for alteast 2 times . You free to contact me at


Allow your friend to write any 4 random numbers
eg; 5423

Step 2
Now you take a paper and write a number like this 25421 .
How to write above number is by seeing your friend number he has written . From Above 5423 . add 2 front of 5 and subtract 2 from 3 i;e 25423-2=25421

Step 3

Again allow your friend to write 4 random numbers below the 5423 he wrote
like this   5423

Now you write a 4 digit number using this codes

If opponent write 1 you write 8 below it . if he write 2 you write 7 it means the sum must be 9.

For example if your opponent write 1234 you write 8765 .

Step 5

Now allow your opponent to write other 4 random numbers they like below
like this 5423
Step 6

Now you write a 4 digit number using step 4 ;

Finally allow your friend to add all the numbers the sum will be the answer in your paper.

Example :
                                    5412 - your friend write
                                    4587-  you write
                                    1235- your friend write
                                    8764-you write
                                    1524- your friend write
                    the sum is 25412-2=25410 .
Please do it carefully and practise you can make your friends amazing .


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